Release Note
Release Note Date : 18 August 2023
Sr No | Ref Number | Feature | Existing | New |
1. | BT-109204 | Option to choose landing tab in My Portfolio report in Aero | Currently in My Portfolio Report landing tab is by default Holdings tab | New configuration My portfolio report Configuration dropdown introduced in WebAdmin to select landing tab out of Holdings/ Today's/Combined in Aero. |
2. | BT-97457 | Introduction to display LPP (Limit Price Protection) range in Best five in AERO | New | Changes done to display LPP range field in Future and Option contracts from NSE Derivatives,Currency and Commodities. |
3. | BT-85992 | Introduction of EDIS Authenticated Quantity Update in User Management API | New | New call EDISApprovedQuantity introduced in User Management API. |
4. | BT-107695 | Introduction of Need based fund allocation using CCL Aggregator | New | New configuration provided as Margin Consideration in CCL Aggregator to consider margin requirements. When Margin Consideration=0, CCL Aggregator will not send any Fund Allocation intimation to CCL. When Margin Consideration=1, CCL Aggregator shall consider Upfront Margin while sending Fund allocation request. When Margin Consideration=2, CCL Aggregator shall consider Peak Margin while sending Fund allocation request. |
5. | BT-110608 | Square off API required in Cloud Rest API | New | Introduction of Square off cloud rest API to square off open positions of user. |
6 | BT-109112 | STP Cancellation changes for BSE Star MF | New | Changes done in API structure to facilitate STP Cancellation for BSE Star MF |
7. | BT-96078 | Participant codes mapping in Create retail user and Update retail User in the User management API. | New | Changes done in API to support participant codes mapping in Create and Update retail user calls. |
8. | BT-83663 | EDIS revoke facility to Non-POA clients in Aero | New | Revoke facility introduced in Edis page for Non-POA clients. |
9. | BT-109370 | Enabling Password View option in ODIN Aero | New | Password hide/show eye icon option introduced and password would show on clicking icon. |
10. | BT-110555 | Trade Notification message changes | Currently in subject showing as Real Time trade message | Changes done to show subject as Trade executed successfully instead of Real Time Trade message. |
Module : Wave 2.0
Sr No | Ref Number | Feature | Existing | New |
1 | BT-77849 | Introduction of Addendum and Notices features in Wave | New | Introduction of Addendum and Notices features in Wave as part of regulatory change. |
2. | BT-50525 | Introduction of OFS feature in Wave | New | New segment NSE-OFS (Offer for Sale) introduced in Wave for trading. |
3. | BT-97457 | Introduction of Subscriber Count in member displayed Watchlist. | New | Subscriber count will be shown in member displayed watchlist for user subscription. |
4. | BT-103567 | Introduction to display LPP (Limit Price Protection) range in scrip info page in Wave. | New | Changes done to display LPP range field in Future and Option contracts from NSE Derivatives, Currency and Commodities. |
5. | BT-104222 | Application Usage Guide for login flow as per new version of Wave application. | Currently usage guide is displayed in hamburger and it can be viewed after login into application which includes login flow. | Changes done to display application Usage Guide of new version in login page. |
6. | BT-104283 | Link Option Re-Position at PSMART application. | Currently the links option is displayed under hamburger as a separate menu by opening on it list of links shall be listed. | Changes done to re-position links option on Login Page. |
7. | BT-101711 | Corporate action notification or event highlight in Smart trade of client holding view. | New | Changes done to display Corporate action notification or event highlight in holding view similar to watchlist. |
8. | BT-101842 | Focus on newly added scrip in the watchlist in Wave | Currently newly added scrip in the watchlist is added on the bottom of the watchlist. | Changes done to set focus on newly added scrip in watchlist. |
9. | BT-89943 | Forgot User Id option on Wave Login page | New | New option Forgot User Id introduced in Login page to retrieve the User Id of the User. |
10. | BT-103375 | Funds view Changes to hide particular menus. | New | New configurations provided to hide Recent Transactions and Add Funds from admin. |
11. | BT-102449 | DP name information to be displayed in Wave | Currently we are showing DP Id and Beneficiary Id | DP name information will be displayed in the demat information section on the user profile page which is mentioned in Webadmin. |
12. | BT-101757 | User guide popup message on login after updating the application. | New | User guide popup message introduced while login for newly added features after the updation of the application. |
13. | BT-87650 | Introduction of Order cart to place multiple orders on a single click. | New | New option Order Cart introduced in the Hamburger Menu for placing multiple orders on single click. |
14. | BT-105190 | NSE Commodity Segment trading in Wave application. | New | Introduction of trading in NSE Commodity Segment in Wave application |
15. | BT-90149 | EDIS revoke facility to Non-POA clients in Wave | New | System shall provide a new option Revoke in EDIS Permission Page for Non-POA clients. |
Module : Retail
Sr No | Ref Number | Feature | Existing | New |
1 | BT-101397 | Provision to upload BSEFO Exposure Margin File. (ICCL_EDXELM301221) when clearing corporation is ICCL. | New | Changes done in EZ Scheduler application to facilitate BSEFO exposure margin file Uploads. |
2. | BT-107681 | Fund Allocation at Beginning of Day and Managing of LIVE intraday allocation as per margin utilization and requirements. | New |
New configuration FundIntimateCCL and UpfrontMargin introduced in tbl_InitDBConfig. If value of FundIntimateCCL is 1 then only feature would work. UpfrontMargin will be calculated as 20% default for Equity segment . Upfront margin For All Non Equity Segment shall be computed as per CRP Settings Span + Exposure Margin, even though in CRP if Member selects any other Margin Calculation Method. |
3. | BT-107694 | Support BOD Fund Allocation files upload | New |
New option introduced CCL Uploads in EZScheduler application to facilitate upload of below mentioned fund allocation files NSCCL BOD Fund Allocation for Equity NSCCL BOD Fund Allocation for Derivatives NSCCL BOD Fund Allocation for Currency MCCL BOD Fund Allocation for MCX NSCCL BOD Fund Allocation for NCDEX ICCL BOD Fund Allocation for Equity ICCL BOD Fund Allocation for Currency |
4. | BT-107716 | Support BOD Pledge Collateral Allocation files upload | New |
New option introduced CCL Uploads in EZScheduler application to facilitate upload of below mentioned pledge collateral allocation files NSCCL BOD Pledge Collateral Allocation for Equity NSCCL BOD Pledge Collateral Fund Allocation for Derivatives NSCCL BOD Pledge Collateral Fund Allocation for Currency ICCL BOD Pledge Collateral Allocation for Equity ICCL BOD Pledge Collateral Allocation for Currency MCCL BOD Pledge Collateral Fund Allocation for MCX. NSCCL BOD Pledge Collateral Fund Allocation for NCDEX. |
5. | BT-112886 | Password encryption in MSE Equity | New |
New password encryption changes done using TripleDES Algorithm. |
6. | BT-108980 | Facility to Restrict only SELL Orders in ITM/OTM contracts. | New |
New registry BlockFreshSellinITMOTM introduced in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODIN\INTEGRATED\ODIN Manager\SurvManager TCP-IP with Default value as 0 When "BlockFreshSellinITMOTM =0 system shall work as per existing. If BlockFreshBuySellinITMOTM = 1 then ITM order shall be restricted based on Buy/Sell options unticked in PSBT template. If BlockFreshBuySellinITMOTM = 2 then OTM order shall be restricted based on Buy/Sell options unticked in PSBT template. If BlockFreshBuySellinITMOTM = 3 then both ITM and OTM order shall be restricted based on Buy/Sell options unticked in PSBT template. |
7. | BT-106167 | Buyback restriction across all product types | New |
New configuration introduced in tbl_InitDBConfig as RestrictBuyBackOrders with default value as Zero. If RestrictBuyBackOrders=0 ,system shall work as per existing. If RestrictBuyBackOrders=1 ,system shall restrict Buyback in Margin, Delivery, MTF, PTST product types. If RestrictBuyBackOrders=2 , system shall restrict Buyback in Delivery, MTF, PTST product types. |
8. | BT-112777 | MTF Margin related changes | New |
New configuration introduced in tbl_InitDBConfig as BlkMTFSettleMar with default value as Zero. If BlkMTFSettleMar=0 ,system shall work as per existing. If BlkMTFSettleMar=1 ,system shall not release the margin of BUY position while selling MTF Settled positions. |
9. | BT-79874 | Premium Payable and Receivable changes to overcome Booked Profit and Loss shortcomings in Options | New |
Registry key CalculateOptionBookedPLOnOrOff =5 introduced in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODIN\INTEGRATED\ODIN Manager\Defaults\CalculateOptionBookedPLOnOrOff When CalculateOptionBookedPL=5, system shall calculate Net Premium Receivable and Net Premium Payable separately and the Net Off Value of the Both shall be displayed as Net Premium column in surveillance watch window Premium payable shall be displayed in negative and Premium receivable shall be displayed in positive in Net Premium. |
10. | BT-96805 | Peak Margin Calculation with BOD Span Files | New |
System shall re-compute the Peak Margin on uploading of every SPAN Margin file and consider the Highest Margin always as Peak Margin and Max Margin as well. Interops should be ON for feature to work for respective segments. |
11. | BT-114923 | Cautionary Messages on Trading Terminal | New |
Changes done in SQL for displaying Cautionary Messages on Trading Terminal. |
12. | BT-108389 | Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface for End of Day Files of BSEEQ and BSECDS segments | New |
Changes done in SQL to handle Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface for End of Day Files of BSEEQ and BSECDS segments. |
13. | BT-113259 | Enhancement in Contract Master file formats for Equity Derivatives Segment | New |
Changes done in SQL to handle Max single transaction qty changes in BSEFO contract master file. |
14. | BT-111413 | Surveillance Indicator Update for ESM/GSM category scrips in NSE | New |
Changes done in SQL to display ESM-1,ESM-2,GSM -0 categories while placing order. |
15. | BT-111517 | Enhancement in Regulatory Indicator file format BSE Equity | New | Changes done in SQL for new indicator EMA introduced by BSE . |
Published on 18August 2023
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